Gangcai Encounter

The Art of Hong Kong Porcelain Painting

遇上港彩 香港彩瓷藝術

21.9.2023 – 25.2.2024

“Gangcai” is a diverse cultural medium. The original skills from “Guangcai” in Guangzhou has branched out and blossomed since its arrival in Hong Kong, creating its own historical and artistic value. 

In the past century, Gangcai continued to innovate and glow in Hong Kong by showcasing the diversity of cultural exchange between East and West, resulting in a unique Hong Kong hand-painted porcelain style. It is the golden age of Gangcai which has become an important sector and legend in Hong Kong’s economy.  

For our “Gangcai Encounter” presentation, Artspace K has invited eight Hong Kong Gangcai artists to awaken the emotions, and bond between Gangcai and the Hong Kong people. Its beautiful name reflects Hong Kong’s memory which has been retraced, reconstructed and re-innovated to integrate into the lives of contemporary Hong Kong people and gaining recognition in the art field.


近百年來「港彩」在香港,不斷推陳出新、延續及發光,展現香港東西文化交匯多元的面貌,且具備獨特的香港本地色彩,堪稱是港彩的流金歲月,也成為香港經濟的重要板塊與傳奇。今次Artspace K邀請八位港彩藝術家,透過「遇上港彩」專題介紹,喚醒港彩與香港人在情感與日常的羈絆,將這美麗名詞與藝術從香港的記憶中取出、回溯、重置並創新,讓它在當代港人的生活中融合,更在藝術領域上被重視。

  Lectures 講座活動

21/10/2023 (Sat)

3:00 – 4:30 p.m.

GangcaiPast & Future (Cantonese)
港彩 — 昨天與明天 (粵語)

Artists藝術家 : Betty Ho何廖綺玲 | Astor Sham岑盈慧 | Lee Wai Sum李慧心

The Guangcai making technique can date back to the early Qing Dynasty, during that time Guangcai became a sought-after commodity in the export market. Today, Guangcai is one of Hong Kong’s intangible cultural heritages. Over the past century, Guangcai has taken root in Hong Kong, transforming into Gangcai. This lecture, we have invited artists Ms. Betty Ho, Ms. Lee Wai Sum and Ms. Astor Sham, will introduce the historical background and developing progress of Gangcai, while also sharing their artistic journeys/art career as inheritors of Gangcai, and discussing the prospects of Gangcai.

18/11/2023 (Sat)

3:00 – 4:30 p.m.

The Variations of Gangcai (Cantonese)
港彩的變奏 (粵語)

Artists藝術家 : Cheng Man Ling Carrie鄭敏玲 | Noel Li李潔茹

Despite having been thriving for several decades, Gangcai has constantly evolved in the hands of artists. For this lecture, we have invited artists Ms. Noel Li and Ms. Carrie Cheng to share how they have been exploring new possibilities while honouring the legacy of traditional Gangcai craftsmanship which achieved a harmonious blend of tradition and modern in their Gangcai creations, as well as how their continual pursuit of innovation has led them to establish their own unique styles.

16/12/2023 (Sat)

3:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Gangcai The Storyteller (Cantonese)
港彩說故事 (粵語)

Artists藝術家 : Moon十三月 | Oychir 愛卡 | Siumou Chow周小某

Compared to written language, artists often lean towards using visual images and incorporating various mediums to reveal their inner worlds. The three artists, each with their artistic backgrounds— designer Moon, illustrator Oychir, and comic artist Siumou Chow—will share in the lecture on how they integrate elements of design, illustration, and comics with Gangcai, explore innovative approaches to present their stories on each piece of porcelain.


Contact us for more information.
Phone: 2898 8118; Email:
